Poems written by students at The Coseley School during Black Country Day Workshop

The following poems were written by students at The Coseley School when Ian conducted a poetry workshop there in support of Black Country Day along with Councillor Pete Lowe;

4 Million years

Over 4 million years ago

In a Black Country meadow

Below the very old ground

Belonged years of multitude

Fossils never found.


Above the sea

We call the ground

And above the ground are the flowers

Not any old flowers

A meadow full of

The wildest finest blossoms.


Aimah. 8.1.

100 Metres

The Black Country

The Black Country

Hundreds of metres below the grounds

Hidden under grassy terrain

Are a multitude of small,

fist sized rocks

A swathe of meadow full of

The finest wild flowers

Bordered by a mountain of limestone

Which reach back 400 million years

The air is full of a multitude

Of insects, bees, butterflies

The Black Country

Our Black Country.


Arousa Rabbani.


A Black Country Poem

Black is all around

Black is all I can see

Here there is no sound

Here there is only me.


Amaan Azhar.

A Street


A Street waved like a river

And the houses wake

Like an old train falling

From her track.

The houses are so old

Sand without colour

And it looks like you’re standing

In a strange world.

The women wear old colourful cotton

Give them beautiful colour and the Dudley Castle.

Make the people proud

Because it is beautiful on colourful hills.


The Dudley Castle animal’s noise

Like an airplane touch the sky

And at the night time at Dudley Castle

Light like moon and sun shining

At the time the canal.


Sufiya Asif.


Acrostic Poem


B   lack Country

L   inked to Coal

A   lso black gold

C   arrying coal from 100 feet below

K   nowing below my feet is precious coal.


C   atching a pinch of light through the ground

O   nwards we go, so low

U   sing your time to find coal

N   aming those who helped

T   rying to find as much as you can

R   eading stories from time ago

Y   our families dug coal from as long as we know.


Nell Tustin   7.2.


Always working


B   lack Country

L   imestone

A   lways working hard

C   oal

K   nowledge in the rocks


C   oldfield

O   ldbury Oakworks

U   nder the ground

N   ever sleeping in the rocks

T   rains thud and hiss

R   eally deep beneath the ground

Y   ours and mine the Black Country.







The Black Country is amazing

The Black Country is Black

It’s wonderful like a wonderland

And beautiful like dry land.


The Black Country houses are tall

But I call them cool

The houses are high

And I call them Ties.


The Black Country sun is bright

Just like the moon at night

The air is black

Like a curse from the past.


It’s there something black

Let me go closer

Oh, it’s black coal

And I feel like it’s staring through my soul.


I’m at someone’s house for a day

And they say “I want you to stay”.

I could hear a baby

I mean a babie and it’s crying

Ooops again, I mean It’s blartin!!


Leena Ali   7.5.


Among the Flowers


Be careful where you tread

Among the flowers

Hidden in the grassy terrain

Is a place where deceased animal lay

Which people call fossils

Whilst drinking a bottle.


Needless to say

The hill was once at the bottom

Of the sea and roughly

428 million years ago

When boys wore dickey bows

Looking sideways at the Dudley beach

Which is ours to preach.


The black country is know

For its glass

But we never forget the time

We had to wear masks

Save us from the fog

Save us from the smog

That choked our loved ones lungs.


Holly Harper.


Ancient Gold

Dark like coal, the ancient black gold

Is what we see in the Black Country.

Beautiful, unusual and unique

It is more than meets the eye

Ruby red during the night

But smoky black again.


Brilliant sights Loud sounds

A summer haze of inky black waste blinding our gaze

Deserted and unwanted houses remain

Bricks fallen down to the town’s grave

But remains in our heart

The love and passion for our place.


200 years been still loved and respected

Once hidden and unseen

But now inviting and expected.

Littered with people

Working hard in life

Working underground in mines.


Black country is yours

Black country is mine

Together we bond to urge our town

Along to mourn the souls

Who made the country who it is and who it was.

Let the future bring our town to peace

And hope our flag will ever fly.


Zara Batool.


Ay it.

The Black Country is amazing ay it?

The streets are quite desolate

Houses big and tall


Windows open everywhere

People playing out

Having nice times.


Tower Street

You can see Dudley Castle

Hills trees everything else

I love Dudley Castle. So cool

It’s really really tall.


Paths are rocky

Roads are smooth

They look like coal


They have no cars

They look like mars

The coal is fossilised trees

That’s cool as well.


Black Country is a nice place to stay

Long long road houses

Filling up the streets.

Cool streets

I must be a fool, it hasn’t any treats.


Elle Russell.


Beauty and power

Arising from the furnaces

The stench of burning rocks

Black gas filling the air

Filling it with noxious fumes.


But out of the fire steel was built

Unbreakable yet glistening

To think this came from rocks

Nature always recycling.


And for the fossils deep in the earth

Death creating energy

This would be stored

Deep deep within.


Yet even with all this power

The landscape is unchained

Beautiful meadows grow

This is, the Black Country.


Edward Symonds.



Black country, we began from coal

Our pride belongs in our soul

Below our feet under the ground

Are the rocks that made us.


As the chains are churning

In the dirty mines

There is black all around

Everywhere I go.


Black in the day

Red in the nights

Black cloudy smoke,

Rises the air.


Choking on the air

Full of black

No birds around

If they were, they’d be dead.


Men as strong as the chains

Always linked together,

The coal and smoke

Choking its’ victims

As dark as the dead.


Jack Carter.


Beneath the grassy terrain

Hidden beneath the flowers

Rocks containing mysteries

Mysteries from the past.


Zoya Ahktar.




No birds, just darkness

Black all around

Chains are being made

Churning sounds.


Cottages swallowed up.


Iqra Anam.


Black as Night


Black as night

Living with the fossils

All is dark at day

Created all the coal

Kings and Queens use for warmth.


Coal for everyone not for just royal

Our produce is the revolution

Using mines we get ores

Now to smelt to get the valuables

To sell, to keep, to make into things

Raging smoke pours out of the blacksmiths chimneys

You will benefit from the black country ways.


William Dowler.


Black Black Black


Black, Black, Black

Just like the smoky day

White, white, white

Just like the glass cone

Red, red, red

Just like the blazing night.


Chains of steel

Made from heat

Coal burns bright

In the red night

Glass gets made

From heated breath

This is how everything is made.


Down in the mines

Is where you find coal

Deep deep down

Here is a black heart.


Shahzar Ahmed.


Black Country Poem


B lack

L iving

A ncient

C ountry

K ingdom


C hains

O ceans

U sed mines

N ow we are civilised

T rains

R ipple beds

Y am yam.


Tom P.


Black Gold


Coal, the black gold

That fuelled industry

The natural dead flat

If often broken by high hills

Of cinders and spoil

from the miners.


Steam engines thud and hiss

Long chains clank

A perpetual twilight reigns

The land by day

And a fiery glow

Lights up the dark landscape.


Owen Brevitt.








Known for mining riches.








Yuh yeah man.


Ben Silk   7.2.




Underneath the flower blooms

Abundance of fossilised shells

Lay still for millions of years

Discoveries approaching.


Yet, far away

Burning fires

Creating fires

Above the coal.


Katie Huffer.




Boom, crash bang!

Down falls the remains

Of this wonderful paradise

Hearts are last in the thought

Of the mines being broken.


This is a never ending war

People risk their lives for power

The world

It must stop

Our power is from energy.


Black soot scattered everywhere

Its pitch black, one light coming

From a gas canister

There is no turning back

It’s what we chose to do

And it will stay as our job.


As time went on the mines

Have changed into a paradise of the past

Fossils created on the floor

To symbolise the Black Country

As it was in the 1800’s

That’s what makes it special

To the local community.


Amy Butcher   7.2.


Candle and Kitchen


Black Country has history

Loads of fossils

A swathe of meadows

Candles for light

Kitchen stove


Danish Hussain 7.2.


Centuries Rocks


The Black Country is ancient

The Black Country is well known

The Black Country’s name

Came from Black coal.


Found beneath our feet

For over a century

Comes rock and black coal

Which represent the Black Country.


Covered in black smoke,

The sky feels lonely

This has been tradition

For nearly 200 years.


Many people dug for minerals

Many people dug for fame

Many just wanted help

But some only for self-gain.


The Black Country is great

The Black Country is positive

The Black Country is special

The Black Country deserves a very high rate.


Sana Ambreen.


Coal Country


Coal country,

Black like coal

It’s getting out of control

Too much rain

Is too much pain.


Loads of hills

Too many bills

Always grey skies,

But the black country never lies.


But, we love this country

Even though it has a black sea

We’re here to stay

Even if we have to pay.


Lewis Brookes.


Coal Faces.


B   elow the ground 40 – 50 yards

L   ots of pollution in the air

A   ll there was were destroyed country sides

C   oal in faces and all is dark.

K   nown as black gold instead of coal.


C   ould have been invented to work cogs

O   ut under the fields at night fall

U   ltimate pain in our muscles

N   ew revolution of the British Empire

T   oppling houses because of mining

R   eaching below for their goal

Y   ou should be proud of what they have done.


Maaria Azad.   7.2.




Coal runs thick, smokes the air and rains dead

Walk the whole street

Oss by side carrying load

Pick axe in hand coal on shirts

Mine shifts erupt with the blast

Last light

Deeper deeper into the mine

Pick axes crack and crunch

Smack and bite in to the stone

Ores leak like a stream above

Hotter and hotter rammed into small space

Then bomb!

It gets dark, ground shakes

People die.

Smog grows thick as fire grows

Higher and higher

Coal comes from the dark

Taken to the canal by oss

Kids run darn the roods

Toys in ond

Miners rise sit in charcoal stains on

White ripped shirt

The eyes burn as they get awt

At the back one being carried awt

His mining days had gone

Is he dead or alive?

Will he make it?


Thomas Hindmarsh.




Smoky sparrows

Thick coal

Black gold mines

Clusters of deserted cottages

Dingiest black

Sinking Pits

Black Country

Tart Arian region

Night fires light up the dark landscape

With a fiery glow


Black gold

Fuelled industry

In the 18th and 19th century.


Sonia 9.3.


Covered in smoke.


Covered in smoke and lots of coal

All those years ago

A dark day

Even darker in the night


The coal and the mines

And minerals more

Shadowed the Black Country

Years and years ago.


Men as strong as stone

Women tough as chains

Yet put them all together

And we are sharp as nails.


Loyalty passion and humour

Makes us who we are

As we are all different

We are never the same.


Daylight and flowers dwindled away

As darkness showers them for days and days

Yet fossils and coal stick around today

So the black country is mostly the same.


Jessica Conroy.


Dark Houses.


The dark houses lean together

Like people leaning on each other


Niki Cottrell.


Deep deep below.


In the dark blue of a sea

Where sea creatures roam wild and free

Unknowingly swimming off

What a great land is below them.


Years have passed from the sea

A people mining down to the past

When it was a tropical paradise

They find coral, shells and more and

Take to the sunlight again.


They see the light again but oceans pump

Freely building what it is again today.


The amazing land the Black Country

is a time machine to the past

Where sea creatures roam wild and free.


Ben Robins. 7.2.




Bin (been)

Lickle (little)

Ay (haven’t)

Cud (could)

Kay (key)



Chuck (throw)

Owt (nothing)

Up the wooden hill (up the stairs)

Nah (no)

Tay (tea)

Riffy (dirty)

Yo (you)


Nikkita Hyde 7.2.


Dinosaur Seed.


Like stepping into the Garden of Eden

Mountains of limestone that date back a million

The finest wild flowers

The hidden rigged fossils

Buried in tropical paradise

For over a million years

In the Black Country



It’s ours forever.


Daniel J.   7.2.


Down in the Mines


Down in the mines

Back in time

Down in the shafts

Covered in Ash.


Millions of years ago

Miles and miles below

Animals lived under water

Dinosaurs that were slaughtered

By a meteor

When there was water.


Now the land is filled with fossils

The water gone

Replaced by grass

Has been like this

For centuries past.


Finlay Hodnett 7.2.


Dudley Castle


The Dudley Castle sits on a hill

Like an eagle sitting on a crag

Looking down to Stourbridge.


The light is shining like a bright

Golden star

The Dudley Castle is like a massive mansion.






The Garden of Eden

Full of flowers

Dudley stands above the rest

Like a tower.


Limestone is a fine stone

People used to mine stone

People should not moan

This beautiful town we do roam

This town isn’t on loan

It’s ours forever

Shout it loud and clear

Black Country has no fear

Fossils we found

Our history in the ground.


Iblal Hussain   7.2.


First Began


When the mining first began

Smokey sparrows flew over the skyline

Above the towns littered with winding fear

Towers, towering the gold mines.

The thick coal was hauled up from the mines

With sweaty tired men heaving

Then, no birds to be seen

Flying over the hills of cinder

Black and gold mines

When the blind gin horses walk

There dutiful rounds

While cottages sink into the sinking holes.


Callum Ward.




The flowers nodded their heads to the beat of the breeze

The fossils stirring beneath the earth



Embedded in limestone

Yet to be discovered

Unlike coal.


Powering the furnaces

Creating the flames

Welding the chains

That add to the churning chaos of sky

Black as the chains born in fire

Red as the flames that create them.


Yet in the meadow the rocks lie in peace

A graveyard of deceased

In unmarked graves

A sea of discovery

Lies untouched for eternity.


Amy Perks.




Coal, the black gold

That fuelled the industry

Without it the black country

Wouldn’t be

No birds,

Black smoke

Making chains

Cottages swallowed up

In sinking pits

Black is all I can see

Smoky sea like fog

You cannot see.


Sam Bywater.


Garden of Eden


Stepping into the Garden of Eden

The finest wild flowers

Mountain of limestone

Back over 400 million years

Dudley was a tropical paradise

But only the fossils remain.


Blackness of the faces of the coal miners

Coal covered the earth 2 feet around

Few trees are to be seen

Only smoke at first sight

Miles and miles of black waste

Throughout the ground.




Swinging fast

In a strange land

Another worldly place

A place of beauty


The giant eventually dies

Its body lies

Motionless on the sea floor

Years pass, it’s a giant fossil

Surrounded by loads more.


Then suddenly a light takes it

To the surface

Now another world from what it knows.


Ben Robins   7.2.


High Hills


High hills of cinders

Spoil from the mines

Where smoke blackened the sky

Killing innocent civilians

Horses tortured used as slaves

As mine carts rise from the black

As shadows die

Cottages warm and snug

As people sleep

Waiting for shifts

To go down

Into the blackened shadows.


Toby Quinn. 9.3




Black country gold and fuelled industry

Perpetual twilight reigns

During the day and during the night

Fires on all sides

Light up the dark landscape

With a fiery glow

From time to time

You pass a cluster

Of deserted roofless cottages

Of dingiest brick

Like the ribs of a half decayed corpse.


Alina 9.3


Knowledge Rocks


B   lack Country

L   imestone

A   lways working hard

C   oal

K   nowledge in the rocks


C   oal field

O   ak works

U   nderground

N   ever sleeping in the rocks

T   rains thud and hiss

R   eally deep beneath the ground

Y   ours and mine the Black Country.



Adil Kiyani.   7.2.




The landscape, covered by grass

Dinosaurs do not trespass

Minerals underground

Dinosaur fossils not making a sound

The olden days

Living their ways


Coal resting waiting to be found

Valuables covered in stone and dirt

Sinking into its core, still illuminating

The industrial; revolution revealing

Black skies concealing

Our community

The Black Country emerging.


Reece. 8.1.



Limestone Reaches


B lack Country meadow surrounded by rocks

T hat are millions of years old

L imestone reaches back over 400 million years

A nd is laid bare for us to see

C oal is what gave Black Country its name

K nowledge in the rocks


C oral fossil in a rock found in a meadow

O ur home is the Black Country

U nder the sea, no more in the Silurian age

N ever forgotten by people

T his is our home

R ecorded as fossils

Y ou can enjoy it too.


Asif Rehman.




Black Country

Black Gold

And meadows of wild flowers


Corals on rocks

Our black country

Under the sea

Now laid bare for us to see.

The black country geo park

Revealed in the rocks

Yours and mine to share.


Subhan Ahmad.




B lack country

L ack of material

A ddictive to mine

C alling for help

K illing people every day


C alling dead to rot

O ut of water – dying of thirst

U sing your own pee to live

N othing else to eat

T rying to get

R aining hard

Y ou shall not pass.


Hamzah 9.3.


Mines Mines.


Mines mines everywhere

Nowhere else to compare

So much coal in the ground

Dig it up, it’s worth every pound.


Black Country Black Country

Named after coal

Black Country Black Country

Is our heart and soul.


Smog smog everywhere

All going into the air

Burning every piece of coal

That we got from a deep big hole.


Joel Cartwright.   7.2.


Much History


B lack Country has so much history

L arge amount of fossils underground

A swathe of meadows full of the finest wild flowers

C oal and fossil so important over the years

K itchen stove helps to create coal.


C rinoid which are the remains of fossils

O pen a beautiful natural flower

U nderground so much to see

N ew discoveries

T ropical Paradise

R ipple of rock broken

Y ear past almost a million of years.


Fares Koitom 7.2.


My Black Country


The present rises from the past

Rocks of all shapes and sizes

Have found the meadows,

that lead to history’s most precious prizes.


The midnight black of the coal

The tropical of the paradise

Fossils buried in the ground,

The cries of the rocks

That lived safe and sound.


Arising from the sacred sail

History awaits,

Mountains of limestone

Chains of steel

Black emanating mist

The Black Country awaits.


Iqra Amjad




Where did the Black Country get its name?

Was it just a silly made up game?

Coal in the undergrowth

Was black and dark

It can be found under houses

Our under a park.


The coal would burn to make flames

Warm and comforting

But that’s not the name.


By day black smoke would fill the air

By night the fire would

Transform the red sky – which is rare.


So that’s how the Black Country got its name

Black Country is never the same.


Jordana Stringer.


New age


In the new age of the black country

There are fossils of all shapes and sizes

That materialise before

Your very eyes.

There are gardens

During the summer months

That are like

Stepping in to the Garden of Eden

From the dark burning coal of the air

To being full of a multitude of insects

Walking through the blinded streets

Of blackened smoke

To a swaddle of meadows full of

The finest wild flowers

The black country

The new age.


Ethan N.


Night Sky


Black smoke filled the night sky

Whilst the sound of chains

Rose up from the mines

And heat bled from the entrance


The smell of coal began to choke its’ victims

Then cover them in dust

The air was no longer filled with clean oxygen

Only dust coal and smoke.


Bethany Dubberley.




The mines were as black as night





The mines were 100 feet below

They mine so slowly

Death facing them

In their eyes

Their families are terrified.


The Black Country is named after coal

The founder of industry from times of old.



Jon Turnock.   7.2.


Now only Fossils.


For centuries the ground has been filled

With many wonderful things

There were many fossils there

Such as coral and shell

Our area has been an amazing

Tropical paradise

But now only fossils remain.


We once never knew that where we live now

Was covered with crystal blue water

Full of beautiful animals

Which are now extinct.


Sarah Kiran.   7.2.


Older and Older


I stand on the ground

Looking at the inevitable mines

Coal crumbles

Making an earthquake

Laying, glistening in lines.


Older and older

The mine gets

My ancestors remember the first

Mine digging experience

Fossil fuels get better

Yet stories are told

From other experiences.



Katie Newton   7.2.


Our Country


Our Black Country flag

Black white and red,

Changes black by night and white for day.

I really want to say

What Black Country pays to stay happy.


The roads are big

Full and beautiful lighting

Like a bright sun

The people of Black Country

Are kind as only Black Country people can be.


Nimra Rasheed.


Perpetual Twilight.


Coal, perpetual twilight reigns during the day;

A few smoky sparrows; abandoned, thoroughly mined

For many years.


In the black country perpetual twilight reigns

During the day

Black smoke leads the way

Thoroughly mined for many years

There may be some fears

But never any tears.


No birds are to be seen

Except a few smoky sparrows

The mines that were worked in are too narrow.

They are full of danger,

But we are loan rangers.


Farena Samra.


Pleasant Green


The Black Country

The pleasant green of pastures are unknown

The streams in which no fishes are to swim

Black and unwholesome

The natural dead flat is often

Broken by high hills of cinders

Trees are stunted and blasted

Nothing is to be seen


Miles on miles dark waste spreads

Furnaces smoke whilst steam engines

Thud and hiss

Long chains clank

While blind horses walk their rounds.


Mohammed Zain Awwab.




Black, billowing smoke,

Living museum, black country bloke

All is dark at day


Kings tell us to make more equipment.



Our product made the industrial revolution

Use mines to get coal

Now we are civilised

To re-cycle

Ripple beds

Yam Yam.


Ethan Buckby.




In a Black Country meadow

Full of the finest flowers

We are proud to call this ours

Surrounded by rocks of a million years old

Coral on rock, fossilised

Bordered by mountains of limestone

Some are 400 years old

Fossilised shells in the rock

They open up desires

Like a key in a lock.

Sideways on at the Dudley beach

In the Black Country beauty is found.


Sabeel Alam


Sleeping Rocks


B   lack Country

L   imestone

A   lways working hard

C   oal

K   nowledge in the rocks


C   oal field

O   ak works

U   nder the ground

E   ver sleeping rocks

T   rains thus and hiss

R   eports on mines and minerals

Y   ours and mine the Black Country.


Osa Hussain   7.2.


Smoke filled Skies


Black coal

Smoke filled skies

The sound of the smokey sparrow cries.


Deep down below our feet

Where the burnable rocks lie

Chains rattle

Sweat runs

As hands are stained black.


Coal black days

Fiery red nights

Blasted trees lay

But are hidden by lack of light.


Thick smoke begins it’s torture

To choke it’s victims

Who dare to linger too long

Slowly overtaking their lungs

In the red glow of night.


Gemma Smith


Sparrows in Smoke


Black country

The crushes of ashes

The blur of light

Shot into my eye

And rolled out of sight

The evolution of mining

Seized the world

When the government

Was earning some dough



Tropical paradise

The name where no cue

Needed to apologies

This is a place where no one leaves

Where the underground was lying for you

Discoloured faded and torn

Where cherished memories are

Still on hold.


Naila 9.3




No Birds,

Except a few smoky sparrows

What happened?

Back then

Black clouds

No air

Coal fumes.


Tom Bradley.




The black country

is where we live

People don’t get us

because of our speech

The dark region

Comes out of the mist

We deserve attention

More than anyone else

Miners are digging gold

While it’s getting sold

Fossils we find

Under the castle

We will be cherished memories

If we don’t do something quick

We might be torn and fooled

But we still have a heart

We are known for our glass

And the limestone too

The factories rumble and roar

As the smog builds up

The black country is the best

Better than the rest

We may not be known

But I’m glad I live here.


Eleanor Randle.




A meadow surrounded by rocks

Uneven rocks, crushing the wild flowers

These rocks fossilised and rippled

By time itself.

These rocks have watched the

Black Country grow

They have seen the black mist


And have watched the land change

And they are proud to have.


Farris Omar 8.1.


Swathe of Meadows.


Black Country has loads of history

Loads of fossils in the Black Country

And a swathe of meadows

Full of the wild flowers

Candles used to light the dark

Kitchen stove to create the coal.


  1. Malik 7.2.

Tall and proud


The old crumbling bricks

Fall down one by one

And after that

All of the memories gone

The trees cast shadows on the old castle

Like a birds nest

The Castle standing tall and proud

With all the people crowding around.



Ellis Rose   7.5.


The Flag


The Black Country flag is the best

From all the rest

Fly the flag for Stourbridge

Red is for night

Black is for day

And I really want to stay.

I’m proud to be in the Black Country

It’s a bostin place

There’s lots of places to see.

You can find cool things

Like rocks and so on.

Come to the Black Country

And explore beyond limits.


Insha Akhlaq.


The Undergrounds.


Hundreds of feet below

There lies mines

Full of coal and iron


Many thousands of years ago

It wasn’t like this at all

It was a tropical paradise

Whereas now it’s a pile of coal.

But let’s just be proud.



Cerise Shields.   7.2.


Thick Coal


Thick coal,


Perpetual twilight reigns

During the day

A few smoky sparrows


Thoroughly mined

For many years

There was always hope

Never any fears.


Hannah Perry.


This used to be


This used to be

Under the sea

With the fish you will see

All of them wild and free


Trees and trees

All so warm

Maybe some

Cobs of corn.


Every day

A man will die

Unless that may

Be a lie.


Luke Grove.





Black coal everywhere

Lack of food

And pollution in the air

Clap my hands to get it off

Known as black gold.


Coal precious coal left for tomorrow

Over the Black Country pollution has spread

Ultimate paid within

New factories made every day

Trees make this place beautiful

Really proud to live here because of hard work

You should be proud too.


Jasmin Rafiq   7.2.


Used to be


It used to be a coal mine

It’s grown bigger and better

Over time

One place that used to be

A coal mine

Is now

Merry Hill

The biggest and busiest shopping centre

In the Black Country.


Everything has changed

From 1800 to 2015

It is a beautiful paradise

That is being recreated

By the fossils on the floor

That is a symbol of the past.


That’s what makes the Black Country

Our home.


Molly Goode. 7.2.



Warming Home


People speak in a language of their own.

The coal warming their home.

People work in the mines all day long.

To help their day they would sing a song.

They have worked in the mines all their lives

Always there for dinner and then home to their wives.



Tyler Cox.


What it means to me.


The Black Country flag is very beautiful

The colour red is the volcano’s lava

On the flag there is the colour black

Which is the colour of the roads.


The streets are crowded like people

Watching a performance

There’s fossils which are called coal and it

Is shining like a black knight.


It was black

There was no transport

Also whenever people want to go

To another country they

Never had a passport.


Nadia Zafar. 7.5.




Have you ever wondered how the Black Country got its name?

When the colour of the sky and the ground used to be the same.

When black coal was the only thing that could be found on the ground

When there were lots of people but not much sound.


This is what symbolises our home town.

The Black Country.


Faizan Kauser.   7.2.


Young and Old


Whether we are young, whether we are old

We are one, we shine like gold

Looking at the black sky

Watch evil come alive

When times are hard

We will still hold on

While fossils and life

Still go one

Then we make some dough

This is our home

We’ll never go


We have our flag

With hope and pride

We live as one

We are

The Black Country.


Jake Faulkener.

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