Walsall Poets Shine In Hope Radio’s Community Poem

Walsall’s poets have been collaborating for a community poem project organised by Hope Radio. Hope Radio, which broadcasts on 87.9 FM and online, was born during the coronavirus pandemic with one simple aim – to bring hope to the people of the local community.

We have an OFCOM licence and we are run by volunteers said Hope Radio presenter and Walsall resident Ian Henery. It was decided that, as part of our on-going work to connect with our community, we would invite our listeners to submit a single line of poetry that could then be woven into a tapestry of a larger community poem to create a totally original piece of work. The results have been staggering with people from all walks of life sending us their lines and recording themselves reading their contributions for broadcast.

Hope Radio received such a massive response that they have had to split the work into separate poems. The first poem is entitled Multi-Colour Ribbon of Music & Chat” and the title is provided by a line from Lisa Johnston whose contribution appears within this poem. Within this first poem are also contributions from Elizebeth Stoney, an artist living in Australia.

Walsall poets collaborating in the project included Rebecca Johal, Phil Buckley, Ellis Unchained, Andy Summers, Anthony J Ball, Andrea Bradley, Gerald Kells, Angie James & Leanne Cooper.

We are very grateful to everyone who has contributed said Ian Henery who presents The Ian Henery Show twice a week on Hope Radio. Big respect to all during this unprecedented chapter of our shared history.

(Hope Radio Community Poem)

Multi-Colour Ribbon of Music & Chat

Fear Breeding panic

That leads to dependency

Where false leaders thrive.

The crunching sounds

Of nameless stones,


Thoughts spun like ballerinas

Bending into the winds of change

And her mouth

Was filled with silence.


The walkers

Choose their own pathways,

Patterns of intention

In diversity.


Bacterium delirium seeps

Through the empty corners of my smile.

Convex surface between

Bleeds golden with dreaming,

Skin stretched taut


Merely touches the healing:

Hope – all is well.

If I knew then,

What I know now,


My whispered wishes

Would have been more

Than childish whims

If I knew you existed

Years before.


To have hope

Is to have belief,

We can make a difference;

To have hope

Is to have belief;


We can have deliverance,

Have self-belief and love.

The hour is right

To bring hope back,

There is elegance and power.


Perched precariously

On our hopeful bikes

Creating words of enchantment

In adversity.


A multi-colour ribbon

Of music and chat

For us to educate people

That in diversity

Weaves community together,

Celebrating on Hope Radio

In every step.


To hope

Is only to abandon fear.

Blessed sunshine

Pales to cool moonlight.


Our path revealed

To sacred insight,

Hearts filled with love.

Restricted love

Is not love at all.


When you start to put your focus

On the good things that exists

In your life

No matter how small they are

You can change your life.


Yet Under the wings of love

We can fly,

Living in the moment.

Calm morning light

Fills the room with hope

In diversity.



A diverse rope

That ties down consternation.

Life`s hard, lonely without love:

We need to care

For each other,

That`s what community`s about.


Read it

Hear it, feel it, taste it

But don`t sniff it!

Make time for the one

You love.


Let us be one

Instead of many.


Hope Radio 87.9 FM is grateful to the following poets for donating 1 line for the Hope Radio Community Poem:

Rajbinder (Rebecca) Johal

Phil Buckley

John Carpenter

Nina Lewis

Ellis Unchained

Kezzabelle Ambler

Angie Angel

Maurice Malcolm

Lisa Johnston

Andy Summers

Daniel Kay

Anthony J Ball

Yvonne Ugarte

Julia Dean-Richards

Surjit Dhami

Debbie Aldous

Niven Smith

Rachel Charlotte Green

Elizabeth Stoney

Andrea Bradley

Gerald Kells

Angie James

Leanne Cooper

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