The only radio station dedicated to serving Wolverhampton has welcomed a new
member to its Board of Directors.
WCR FM, which broadcasts on 101.8FM and online at, has
recently moved into new studios at Mander House in the city centre as it expands its
And it’s now growing further with the addition of a prominent local figure.
The distinguished writer, poet and solicitor Ian Henery is joining the station’s
experienced team. The 58-year-old has an extraordinary background, having worked
with Saint Teresa of Kalcutta as well as being a BBC documentary producer and
serving as Walsall’s Poet Laureate for four years, most recently in 2021-22 under the
Mayor Councillor Rose Burley.
Ian already has strong links with WCR FM – his latest play for China West Midlands
entitled “Coming To Birmingham” for the Home trilogy featured WCR’s very own
Susan Vickers. It was performed in 4 festivals during the summer and a sold out
show at the National Trust’s Back-to-Backs in Birmingham on the eve of the
Commonwealth Games.
He loves training in Krav Maga, Muay Thai and Mixed Martial Arts and also holds the
rare distinction of being Lord of the Manor of Withersdale in Suffolk, a title once held
by the Archbishops of Canterbury.
Ian says: “I am chuffed to bits to be joining the board of WCR FM after collaborating
on shows presented by Susan Vickers and Jason Forrest. I had been on the board
of another radio station in South Birmingham but Wolverhampton is close to my
heart. I was conceived in the city, studied at the university and ran a multi-award
winning law firm in the city for 22 years.”
The new appointment supplements the current Board of Directors, headed by the
Chair Chris Allen. Chris says: “I’m thrilled that we have Ian joining us. He brings a
wealth of skills and experience and it greatly strengthens Wolverhampton’s radio
station even further as we grow and develop.”
WCR FM Mission Statement:
WCR FM is a non-profit community radio station committed to providing outstanding
news, public service information and entertainment to the diverse communities of the
city of Wolverhampton, its environs and the people who live and work there.
It provides high quality opportunities for the training and emergence of new
broadcasting talent, and offers existing professionals and volunteers the chance to
both maintain and develop their skills. WCR is committed to engaging with and
reflecting the perspectives of individuals and communities that represent the fullest
possible range of people in Wolverhampton.
For further information please contact WCR FM Chairman Chris Allen on 07956
303037 or via email: