Friday Lates at Wolverhampton Art Gallery Marks The End of Recovery Month

Two charities, supported by Arts Council England, have collaborated to tackle homesless, addiction and mental health in Wolverhampton.

The Good Shepherd, whose mission is ending homelessness, supporting recovery and creating pathways out of poverty, collaborated with SUIT – Service User Involvement Team – which tackles addiction.  They were supported by Recovery Near You, Wolverhampton 360 and the University of Wolverhampton.

On Friday, September 27th, the Good Shepherd  took  over the ‘Friday Lates’ session at Wolverhampton Art Gallery to mark Recovery Month in September which  included the screening of two specially commissioned videos around the subjects of homelessness and men’s mental health.

There was  also free experimental drawing workshop with Hannah Boyd McKee, a live art session delivered by Matt Lloyd – aka Matt the Artist – and music from Fissionsound. There was also  Spoken Word workshops, delivered by poet and lyricist Bones and the Recovery Art group plus from Ian Henery (pictured).

The exhibition, the culmination of nine months of different workshops thanks to funding from Arts Council England, featured work produced by people at various stages of their recovery journeys from issues including homelessness, addiction and poor mental health.

Photo Credit – Nelson Douglas


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