Launch of Multi-Disciplinary Art Exhibition for Recovery Month

The Good Shepherd is delighted to have been awarded Arts Council England funding for this year`s Recovery Month exhibitions and events at the Newhampton Arts Centre in Wolverhampton.

Partnering with SUIT, Recovery Near You, Recovery 360 and the University of Wolverhampton a series of multi-discipline workshops was launched on 13th September and ran until 26th September at Newhampton Arts Centre as part of “Recovery Is For Everyone”.

The exhibition challenged  addiction related stigma and highlighted the stories and experiences of those in recovery from various forms of addiction, mental health issues and homelessness.  In building awareness and raising the profile of recovery through art and testimonies “Recovery Is For Everyone” aimed to bring lived experiences to a wider audience and demonstrated the power of art and community as a tool for recovery.

The launch on 13th September featured spoken word with Ian Henery (pictured), Bones , Poets, Prattlers and Pandemonialists, testimonies, music and art from university alumni, emerging artists and Arts Council England  workshops.

Also as part of Recovery Month the Good Shepherd and SUIT are “taking over” the Wolverhampton Art Gallery as part of their ongoing Friday Lates on 27th September.  They will be screening two film premieres looking at art and recovery alongside spoken word, art and live music from Julianne Bourbe and Alex Ohm.

Photo credit – Nelson Douglas

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